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Compassion and Justice Ministries


The Compassion & Justice Ministries team is a group of individuals who are united by gratitude and called to follow the Way of Jesus. By working together we help extend Christ’s compassion, love and healing touch to those outside our community who have critical needs. We are emboldened by the parable of the Good Samaritan to believe that we can each make a difference, even on a one-to-one basis.


We enhance our effectiveness by collaboration with other agencies that understand the special needs of our neighbors, near and far, and can mobilize the resources needed to provide solutions to the toughest of challenges. Read more for examples of recent collaborations:


Church World Service– CROP Hunger Walk - working together with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world.

Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank – working to end hunger and increase access to affordable, nutritious food for low-income individuals and families.


Extended Family Program of Walnut Creek – A partnership between Walnut Creek United Methodist Church and Shelter, Inc, Extended Family works to provide furniture and household items to previously homeless families and helps them move into their own home with dignity.


Habitat for Humanity – helping build a world where everyone has a decent place to live.


Hillcrest Community Church – Donating to and volunteering in food and clothing rooms and layette program to provide for our neighbors in need.


Juvenile Hall Auxiliary - bringing touches of supportive home life to troubled teenagers.


Mexico Mission – building homes for families in Tijuana with Amor Ministries.


Multi-faith Action Coalition – actively participating in the jobs & housing task force in Contra Costa County.

Oakland Peace Center – working to create peace by creating opportunities, access, and dignity for all people in the Bay Area.


Refugees – working with local Interfaith groups to support peace in Syria and support for local refugees.


STAND – supporting victims of domestic violence.


Week of Compassion – providing disaster response, refugee support and sustainable development through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and around the world.

Winter Nights Program – providing shelter and supportive services for homeless families in Contra Costa County.

Witness Our Welcome – hosting worship service celebrating God’s inclusive love for all people. Participates in San Francisco Pride parade with Unity of Spirit.

Witness Our Welcome Facebook page

United in Spirit Facebook page


We would be delighted if you could join us, whether you have additional concerns to share with us, or you wish to pitch in on one of our current projects. For further information, call the church office at 925-283-3804.

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